Want to get in touch with the WNA Board? Email board@wnalansing.com
Board meetings are typically held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at at Letts Community Center. Neighbors are welcome to attend. Guests are asked to please email the board one week in advance if they'd like to be included on the agenda.
2025 WNA Board
President: Heath B. Lowry Vice President: Mitzi Allen
Secretary: Jana Nicol Treasurer:
Heidi Frei, Clarence Walker, Kasey Wilson
2024 WNA Board
President: Heath B. Lowry Vice President: Mitzi Allen
Secretary: Jana Nicol Treasurer:
Heidi Frei, Maya Lowry, Rodney Singleton, Clarence Walker
2023 WNA Board
President: Melik Brown Vice President: Mitzi Allen
Secretary: Heath Lowry Treasurer: Laura Hall
Heidi Frei, Maya Lowry, Keshawn Mitchell-Roland, Rodney Singleton
2022 WNA Board
President: Melik Brown Vice President: Mitzi Allen
Secretary: Heath Lowry Treasurer: Laura Hall
Heidi Frei, Maya Lowry, Keshawn Mitchell-Roland
2021 WNA Board
President: Melik Brown Vice President: Mitzi Allen Secretary: Jenny McInerney Treasurer: Laura Hall
Matt Black, Heidi Frei, Maya Lowry, Heath Lowry, Natalie Riddle
2020 WNA Board
President: Melik Brown Vice President: Mitzi Allen Secretary: Jenny McInerney Treasurer: Merry Rosenberg
Jamie Widing-Black, Matt Black, Laura Hall, Maya Jones, Heath Lowry, Tearri Rivers
2019 WNA Board
Vice President: Melik Brown Secretary: Amy Campbell Treasurer: Merry Rosenberg
Mitzi Allen, Emily DeRushia, Laura Hall, Jenny McInerney, Bradley Vauter
2018 WNA Board
President: Emily DeRushia Vice President: Elizabeth Battiste Secretary: Emily Bergquist Treasurer: Merry Rosenberg
John Addis, Amy Campbell, Jason Gabriel, Nancy Hartman, Rob Mathis
2017 WNA Board
President: Emily DeRushia Vice President: Elizabeth Battiste Secretary: Danielle Casavant/Emily Berquist Treasurer: Merry Rosenberg
John Addis, Amy Campbell, Jason Gabriel, Nancy Hartman, Emily Johnson, Mohammed Khan, Rob Mathis, Cassandra Nelson, Molly Polizio, Emily Stevens
2016 WNA Board
President: Emily Stevens Vice President: Emily Johnson Secretary: Danielle Casavant Treasurer: Merry Rosenberg
Mitzi Allen, Community Relations Committee Chair; Dan Boutell, Events Committee Chair; Veronica Gracia-Wing, Communications Committee Chair
John Addis, Emily DeRushia, Kimberly Fauson, Rob Mathis, Mohammed Khan, Cassandra Nelson, Maureen Nelsen
2015 WNA Board
President: Cathy Bacile Cunningham Vice President: Veronica Garcia-Wing Secretary: Kimberlyn Fauson Treasurer: Caryn Coyle
John Addis; Mitzi Allen, Community Relations Committee Chair; Daniel Boutell, Newsletter Editor; Danielle Casavant, Events Committee Chair Finance Committee Chair; Kristie Dickinson, Neighborhood Improvement Committee Chair Communications Committee Chair; Suzanne Knight; Cassandra Nelson; Maureen Nelson; Emily Stevens; Cheryl Williams-Hecksel
2014 WNA Board
President: Danielle Casavant Vice President: Cathy Bacile Cunningham Secretary: Kimberlyn Fauson Treasurer: Josh Boehme
Daniel Boutell, Newsletter and Fiesta Committee Co-Chair; Veronica Gracia-Wing, Communications Committee Chair; Paul Holland, Neighborhood Improvement Committee Chair; Suzanne Knight, Sexton Liaison and Annual Meeting Committee Chair; Cassandra Nelson, Grants and MLK Garden Committee Chair; Maureen Nelson, Westside Business Committee Chair; Jackie Payne, Crime and Safety Committee Chair; Paul Pratt, RACER Trust Liaison Committee Chair; Emily Stevens, Parks & Recreation Committee Chair; John Stratton; Cheryl Williams-Hecksel, Fiesta Committee Co-Chair
2013 WNA Board
Cassandra Nelson (Committee chair: Grants; MLK Garden)
Cathy Bacile Cunningham (Vice-President) (Committee chair: Voter Education/Civic Engagement)
Dan Boutell (Committee chair: Newsletter Editor)
Danielle Casavant (Secretary)(Committee chair: Fiesta; Fun)
Ellie Wong (Committee chair: Business Promotion)
Jackie Payne (Committee chair: Crime and Safety)
Jen Long (Committee chair: Riddle Elementary Liaison; Places of Worship)
John Stratton
Josh Boehme (Treasurer)
Keith Kris (Committee chair: Yard Sale; Communications)
Lisa Alicea (Committee chair: Community Engagement)
Mike Schury (President)
Paul Pratt (Committee chair: Scholarships; GM Liaison)
Sara McCormick (Committee chair: Sexton High School Liaison; Summer Quarterly Event)
Suzanne Knight
2012 WNA Board
Executive Committee
President: Danielle Casavant
Vice President: Cassandra Nelson
Treasurer: Joshua Boehme
Secretary: John Stratton
Newsletter Editor: Dan Boutell
Voter Education/Civic Engagement: Cathy Bacile Cunningham
Develop a relationship with the elected officials that represent our neighborhood – 4th Ward and At-Large Council Members; City Clerk; Ingham County Commissioners (mostly District 4 but a wee slice of District 2); Michigan House District 68; and Michigan Senate District 23 to ensure that these elected officials have WNA on their mailing list and they/their staff know what our boundaries are and that we want to be engaged or informed about decisions impacting our community.
Establish a Voter Education program – newsletter/Facebook/website articles to keep neighbors informed about what is on an upcoming ballot and getting information out about both sides of ballot proposals.
Make neighbors aware – through the normal communication channels – of what offices are up for election and the candidates (no position on candidates – just names and parties, when appropriate and the office they seek.
If we decide to continue with some form of Candidates Night or the like – helping to coordinate that (this would obviously involve help from other board members too!).
Mark Harvey– Westside History Project
Coordinates ideas related to a Westside History Project that could manifest itself in a book.
Keith Kris - Communications
Chair oversees all outward communications of the organization, including website, newsletter, moderate (if necessary) Facebook group, press releases, and mailing lists (electronic and paper).
Duties may be assigned to committee members – like a newsletter editor, technology, or other areas as determined by the chair
Sara McCormick – Summer Quarterly Event
Douglas Meeks – Community Engagement
Jackie Payne – Crime and Safety
Hosts the monthly Crime & Safety meeting
Establishes relationships with Lansing Police Department and City ofLansing Code Compliance
Responsible for fulfilling the expectations of the Lansing Neighborhood Council grant for reinvigorating and expanding neighborhood watch
Paul Pratt – Scholarships & GM Liaison
Review scholarship program and make suggestions for improvement
Implement dissemination of scholarship application
Review scholarship applications and select recipients based on board approved criteria
Ideally would have 2 – 3 members of committee from the community
GM Liaison
Keep in touch with Lansing Economic Development Corporation, City of Lansing and Lansing Township Officials, and Racer Trust (owners of the former GM property).
Attend any public meeting and serve as a representative for WNA on any committees
Report back to neighbors through newsletter, website and Facebook as appropriate
John Putnam
Mike Schury
Randy Watkins
2011 WNA Board
President: Danielle Casavant Vice President: Randy Watkins Secretary: John Putnam Treasurer: Michael Schury
Mary Derby
Keith Kris
Doug Meeks
Jackie Payne
Carol Rall